Pope Francis,
head of the Catholic Church, has a reputation for being progressive, despite
normally couching his language in vague or convoluted manners. But in a new
documentary making waves in Italy, the Pope was much more direct: he supports
some rights for LGBTQ people.
Nations should
recognize civil unions for same-sex couples, he said, because
they “have a right to a family.”
This isn’t the
first time that the Pope has indicated his support for civil unions while still
opposing full marriage equality, but it is the most direct.
have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a
right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of
it,” Francis said in the film, speaking on his approach to pastoral care of
“What we have
to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,” he added.
“I stood up for that.”
In a
2017 book, the Pope was quoted as saying, “Marriage between people of the
same sex? ‘Marriage’ is a historical word. Always in humanity, and not only
within the Church, it’s between a man and a woman… we cannot change that. This
is the nature of things. This is how they are. Let’s call them ‘civil unions.'”
In a
2014 interview published in Corriere della Sera, an
Italian daily, the pontiff suggested the Catholic Church could tolerate some
types of same-sex civil unions as a practical measure to guarantee property
rights and health care.
The pontiff
said that “matrimony is between a man and a woman,” but moves to “regulate
diverse situations of cohabitation (are) driven by the need to regulate
economic aspects among persons, as for instance to assure medical care.”
Marquez, a leading Argentine LGBTQ rights activist, said that during that
nation’s 2010 debate over same-sex marriage, he received a phone call from the
Pope — then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires.
According to
Marquez, then Cardinal Bergoglio “told me… ‘I’m in favor of gay rights and in
any case, I also favor civil unions for homosexuals, but I believe that
Argentina is not yet ready for a gay marriage law.’”
Francis had
led the Catholic Church’s public stance against legalizing same-sex marriage in
Argentina while he was an archbishop. At the time, Francis called the proposed
legislation “a destructive attack on God’s plan.”
“This is the
first time as pope he’s making such a clear statement,” the Rev. James Martin,
a prominent Jesuit, said in a phone interview with the Washington Post.
“I think it’s a big step forward. In the past, even civil unions were frowned
upon in many quarters of the church. He is putting his weight behind legal recognition
of same-sex civil unions.”
But in 2018,
the pontiff struck a different tone.
“It is painful
to say this today — people speak of varied families, of various kinds of
family,” Francis said, but “the family (as) man and woman in the image of God
is the only one.”
Well, we evolve slowly. He's still the head of the largest cult in the world. But, he's coming around. This is about getting butts back in the seats of their pews. Sorry. Too little, too late. I don't wish them evil, but I don't wish them well.