President Barack Obama recently visited Philadelphia (you know, the place where
bad things happen, according to Donald Trump). During his visit, Obama not only
met with local politicians but he singled out one Black and openly gay
politician as a sign of change.
the moment happened on Wednesday, October 21. Barack Obama visited Philadelphia
for both a drive-in speech and a roundtable campaign event in promotion of the
Joe Biden campaign. During the latter events, Barack Obama spoke with some of
Philadelphia’s Black community members. Among the group was State
representative Malcolm Kenyatta. After observing Kenyatta, former President
Barack Obama noted that change is happening. After all, a politician styling
dreadlocks, like Kenyatta does with both flair and humility, was previously
“If you don’t
think things have changed, having a brother in the state legislature with that
haircut, that is a change, that looks sharp, but I’m just saying, man, you
didn’t see that 20 years ago,” Obama told the State Rep.
Kenyatta then
responded with, “My hairstylist thanks you.” Kenyatta also joked that she’ll
later clip the moment for a future endorsement.
“When you ran
for office, your slogan, hope, and change,” Kenyatta pointed out. “The last
couple of years have been a lot of sadness and destruction. What still gives
you hope?”
Obama then
replied, “Hope is not blind optimism. Hope is not ignoring problems. Hope is
believing, in the face of difficulty, that we can overcome and get a better
world. Hope is looking squarely at our challenges and our shortcomings and
saying, ‘Despite that, I think through effort and will and community, we can
make things better.’”
He added, “And
so, I’ve never lost hope over these last four years. I’ve been mad, I’ve been
frustrated, but I haven’t lost hope.”
But Kenyatta’s
hair is not his only contribution to society. In 2018, Malcolm
Kenyatta was elected into office along with over 150 other LGBTQ
federal, state, and local candidates across the United States of America. The
only gay politician has since been a
vocal advocate for voter rights, given a keynote address at the Democratic
National Convention in August, and openly displayed his relationship with his
fiancé Dr. Matt Miller. The latter includes his
viral proposal to Miller back in July.
But in his constant fighting
during these past two years, Kenyatta has recognized the difficulty of keeping
hope aflame. But maybe Barack Obama’s words helped to keep Malcolm Kenyatta’s
hopes and political drive alive.
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