I AM...
Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007
Of needing him so badly.
That gut wrenching feeling of…
How the fuck can I possibly take him into my very being?
I need me inside of him,
Not just by dick N’ ass.
The rhythm we have,
Has my body screaming for HIM!
HE was tearing me apart with desire and want for me.
I was dying (from HIM wanting me so badly)
Emotionally, it was heaven on Earth!
We got into a game of whatever one did,
The other followed.
It was invigorating!
The way we matched one another…
Savoring the taste of each other.
I'd suck HE,
And HE me;
Becoming increasingly lost!
Every nerve in our bodies was in tune with the other.
At this point,
I wanted me on him to feel that power,
His heated body on mine.
As we LOVE each other.
Giving me the feeling that…
Perhaps there would be;
No unhappiness,
No frustration
Left in the world.
They would see
Me take HE in my arms
And give it all
Partaking of HIS charms…
Then maybe I could
Sleep a day
Knowing that HE
Were here to stay…
Possessing me for all of eternity!
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Coming out is the process of personally accepting your homosexuality and disclosing it to family, co-workers and friends. Coming out is different for every gay or bisexual man. Some experience a lot of pain and anguish while for others acceptance is simple. You may experience fear, doubt, loneliness, anger and even depression. That's why it is good to surround yourself with others that may be going through the same transition or who have already come out. They can be a great support network. If you don't have any gay friends or don't know anyone else coming out, there are discussion forums and chat rooms that have plenty of positive influences. Be careful though, some may only be interested in sex or may seek to take advantage of you.

Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Where did the year go? Suddenly it is December......again - and we realize that giant strides we started in January and within a blink of an eye, 2007 is on its back! A big "Thank You" to everyone, for the huge and wonderful impact you had on my life this year. Especially for all the hardwork, friendship, kindness and love. From my side I wish you all a glorious Festive Season filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts. May this day mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures. And for those who need:
Monday, December 24, 2007
But there will never be another you!
On this day I hope,
That lovely and happy times
Decorate this season;
And may the wonder of Christmas be with you FOREVER.
Sunday, December 23, 2007

He Is Real
Too magical to recant,
My future is no longer as uncertain
As the distant sunrise,
Yet still it is farther than the set,
When I look into his eyes,
I see that all my toils have been met,
And my wages are far enough to last a
Too paralyzing to deny,
The way my eyes hear any thought
His heart passes by,
And my hands see that he is my
Tomorrow with every time they touch…
And my limit is his sky.
Too frightening to let go,
My heart has been seized
By strong hands, and will
Not be turned away.
So I know I must stay.
I must accept the deal,
And allow my heart
To feel all it can feel.
Because he is REAL!
© tgk
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Trying to maintain control in this life is a bit like trying to maintain control on a roller coaster. The ride has its own logic and is going to go its own way, regardless of how tightly you grip the bar. There is a thrill and a power in simply surrendering to the ride and fully feeling the ups and downs of it, letting the curves take you rather than fighting them. When you fight the ride, resisting what’s happening at every turn, your whole being becomes tense and anxiety is your close companion. When you go with the ride, accepting what you cannot control, freedom and joy will inevitably arise. As with so many seemingly simple things in life, it is not always easy to let go, even of the things we know we can’t control. Most of us feel a great discomfort with the givens of this life, one of which is the fact that much of the time we have no control over what happens. Sometimes this awareness comes only when we have a stark encounter with this fact, and all our attempts to be in control are revealed to be unnecessary burdens. We can also cultivate this awareness in ourselves gently, by simply making surrender a daily practice. At the end of our meditation, we might bow, saying, “I surrender to this life.” This simple mantra can be repeated as necessary throughout the day, when we find ourselves metaphorically gripping the safety bar. We can give in to our fear and anxiety, or we can surrender to this great mystery with courage. When we see people on a roller coaster, we see that there are those with their faces tight with fear and then there are those that smile broadly, with their hands in the air, carried through the ride on a wave of freedom and joy. This powerful image reminds us that often the only control we have is choosing how we are going to respond to the ride.
Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007
That is the ONE.
Never thought I would live to see,
He, that has cast hopes of love on me.
He is the thoughts,
That consumes every part of my being.
And his profound impact,
Has taught me exactly what it means to be human.
With he I cannot hide,
With he I am compelled.
As the sun rise I feel lucky that I get another day…
…To bask in the glow of he.
My eternal soul will forever be grateful,
For I am humble by he.
Never had these words been more true,
Than when I write them about he.
I love that he makes my heart smile,
When I talk about him.
I love that he makes my spirit soar,
When I think about him.
I love that he sparks my creativity,
To write this about he…
I love he has me feeling,
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Why you have to stop Biting your nails makes for ugly hands and over time can interfere with normal nail growth, damage the outer layer of your teeth, and cause nail deformities such as split nails. Harmful bacteria such as staphylococcus also live underneath nails — and you don't want to chew on that. In a 1995 study, researchers found that 19 to 29% of young adults and 5% of older adults bite their nails. Your short-term action plan: Go for a professional manicure once every 2 or 3 weeks, suggests Angelica Kaner, PhD, a clinical professor at Yale University Medical School, because when your nails look pretty, you'll be less likely to snack on them — especially after you've spent $25-plus to make them beautiful. Or try a product such as MAVALA Stop for Nail Biting and Thumb Sucking, which makes nails and cuticles taste terrible. At the very least, keep your nails trimmed short — you'll have less nail to bite, and that harmful bacteria has less space to grow. Your long-term action plan: Nail biting is a common nervous habit that is often an expression of some deeper anxiety. "Ask yourself why you're feeling anxious," Kaner says. If you can't figure it out on your own, consider getting professional help. Because exploratory therapy can take some time, Kaner suggests substituting a new, healthy behavior — instead of biting your nails, rub in a cuticle cream or oil to improve the appearance of your nails and fingers, or keep healthy snacks on hand, such as apples or carrot sticks, to satisfy the need to crunch without destroying your nails.
Why you have to stop: Flossing helps prevent gum disease and keeps your teeth and gums looking good, but it may also stave off non-mouth-related diseases: A 2005 study in the journal Circulation showed that older adults with higher levels of four gum disease-causing bacteria in their mouths also tend to have thicker carotid arteries, which raise the risk of stroke and heart attack. And people with gum disease have a 63% higher risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a 2007 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. That's scary business, because 90% of dentists say that most patients don't floss regularly. Your short-term action plan: Buy a floss-holding device, such as the Butler GUM Flossmate Floss Holder, to make the process easier and faster. In an Indiana University study, 50% of previous nonflossers were doing so regularly 6 months after introducing floss to their routine; 85% of the new flossers used a holding device — only 15% preferred doing without the aid. Your long-term action plan: Incorporate flossing into your morning routine before or after brushing. "Think of it like taking a shower," says Steven R. Fox, DDS, in private practice in Manhattan. "It's something you should do every day." Soon your mouth will start to feel dirty if you forget to floss. And according to the American Dental Association, it's necessary to floss only once a day. Try the waxed kind for more comfort or flavors such as mint or bubble gum to motivate you.
Why you have to stop: The number on the scale is exactly that — just a number. It doesn't reflect how healthy you are or how much of your weight is lean muscle. Plus, the scale can't tell whether you're carrying extra weight on your hips, rear end, or the more dangerous belly area, which is a major factor in your risk of heart disease. In fact, waist-to-hip ratio is a better predictor of heart disease than body mass index, according to a study from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Your short-term action plan: Step off the scale and say hello to your new, improved fat-measuring tool: a tape measure. Measure around your stomach, hips, thighs, and upper arms once a week and record the results. "A quarter-pound fat loss may not register on the scale but could mean millimeters on a tape measure," says Cynthia Sass, RD, nutrition director at Prevention. Keep a close eye on your (hopefully shrinking) waist to sustain the right goals, which are losing fat in high-risk areas such as the tummy, lowering your risk of heart disease (a study from Harvard University found that women whose waists were 38 inches or larger had more than three times the risk of heart disease than women with waists 28 inches or less), and improving your overall health — not just shedding pounds. Your long-term action plan: Once you've achieved a more healthy physique, bring back the scale. "Weighing yourself daily really helps prevent weight regain," Sass says. Keep an eye on your fitness level by watching how your clothes fit and how much longer or harder you can exercise than when you started. Shift your focus to other health issues such as cholesterol (it should be less than 200 mg/dL), blood pressure (systolic blood pressure should be less than 120 and diastolic blood pressure should be less than 80), energy level, and quality of sleep. These are better indicators of your overall health than body weight, shape, or size, says Sass. (Keep up with these health benchmarks by logging them in My Health Tracker. Still, keep up the tape measure so you can continue to monitor your fat levels.
Why it's bad for you: Eating late at night in itself isn't bad for you, but chances are you're eating cold pizza slices instead of apple slices. Adding those extra calories does the late-night damage, according to a 2005 Oregon Health & Science University study. Snacking late at night can also exacerbate symptoms for those prone to heartburn, as lying down after eating makes it easier for stomach acid to flow into the esophagus. Your short-term action plan: Eating late at night is often done because of boredom, not hunger, says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Fit to Live and an expert on nutrition and metabolism. Once the craving hits focus on an activity that engages you until it's time to go to sleep, such as e-mail, a crossword puzzle, or meditation. Peeke says it's also common for people to chow down while watching TV. In fact, a study from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago found that people who were allowed to eat as many potato chips as they wanted ate 44% more chips while watching Letterman than while not watching TV. Keep your hands busy while you watch by folding laundry, using your BlackBerry, or knitting — that way you won't be tempted to break out the Ruffles. Your long-term action plan: Pretty simple — work on going to bed earlier, which might be easier if you can't wait to dive back in to the great new Tom Clancy novel you're reading. You'll limit the time you have between dinner and bed for snacking, and your hormones will be optimally balanced to help you combat cravings. A University of Chicago study found that sleep-deprived subjects had lower levels of leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full, and higher levels of ghrelin, which triggers hunger. Figure out when and where you're snacking, and try to mix up the situation. If entering your house through the kitchen always leads you to a pint of ice cream in the freezer, come in through the garage door instead — force yourself to bypass the kitchen.
Why it's bad for you: If you never vary your fitness routine, your body adapts to it after time, and muscle will stop growing, says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Fit to Live and Prevention's medical advisor. You're likely to get bored with your workout if you're doing the same thing every time, making it easier to find excuses to skip the gym altogether. A University of Florida study found that exercisers who varied the type of exercise were 15% more likely to work out regularly than those sticking to the same routine and 63% more likely than people who had no set schedule or rules. Your short-term action plan: Even something as simple as changing the route of your morning walk or creating a new workout sound track can add some oomph to your present routine. Visit musicworkout.com and download music in genres you like that are tailored to 30- and 60-minute workouts; also find music preselected for different types of exercise, such as elliptical, jogging, walking, and yoga. The key is to have some good old distracting fun, and "fun comes from your ability to make it different" or more challenging, Peeke says. For example, if you're a walker, try going up hills or interspersing spurts of jogging: "You may be shocked to find you're short of breath," she says. Take an adventure vacation and incorporate activities such as kayaking, hiking, or biking. "You can tailor your training to the kind of vacation you're taking, and that's a great motivator." Or use charity to inspire you: Sign up for the 5-K Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure or the Avon 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer. Your long-term action plan: Always have a fitness goal in mind — whether it's walking a mile in 15 minutes instead of 20 or completing a Team Prevention marathon, you'll have something to keep you driven, and you'll be able to assess your performance, Peeke says. "The key is to check yourself at the beginning," she says, evaluating how well you perform when you first start working toward your goal so you have something to compare. Peeke recommends Healing Moves by Carol Krucoff for exercises that may treat or prevent common ailments. Whatever you do, add some variety — not only will your performance continue to improve but you'll also be more mentally engaged, which Peeke says is crucial to improvement, enjoyment, and injury prevention. Keep up the variety as you get older to protect your mental health as well as your physical health: A 2005 study found that dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) occurred less frequently in people 65 and older who participated in a greater variety of physical activities.

Why you have to stop: Although genetics do play a part in your skin's health, so do outside factors such as sun exposure and pollutants, says Neil Sadick, MD, a clinical professor of dermatology at Weill Medical College. Even if your mom didn't have a wrinkle until well into her 60s, you might not be so lucky. "Different types of skin react differently to different products," he says. Your mother's Oil of Olay and Vaseline may have worked just fine for her, but your skin type is probably different from hers. Your skin care products should be specific to your skin's needs, unless you want to risk acne, dryness, and unnecessary aging. Take advantage of advances in skin care science, such as new knowledge about antioxidants, alpha and beta hydroxy acids and retinoids. Your short-term action plan: Schedule a checkup with a cosmetic dermatologist so you can determine your specific skin type. "A consumer can't really do that on her own," Sadick says, so you'll need professional help to determine exactly what your skin needs. Ask whether your skin is healthy, whether you're at risk of skin cancer, and if there's any way you can slow down aging. Your long-term action plan: At the very least, start your day with a high-potency antioxidant cream such as L'or De Vie by Christian Dior or one with coffee berry extract, which protects against ultraviolet and environmental damage, and a sun block with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection such as Neutrogena Helioplex or Anthelios SX, which protects against all short and long UV rays. At night, use a cream with vitamin C, an antioxidant, or alpha and beta hydroxy acids, which turn over skin cells and stimulate new collagen synthesis. Sadick suggests products that contain peptides, which stimulate new collagen, or growth factors, which also stimulate new collagen, increase blood flow, and turn over new skin cells. "As you age, you should use more moisturizer," Sadick says. "Use products with even stronger collagen stimulators, more potent sun blockers, and antioxidant preparation creams," Sadick says. Your diet matters, too: Drink a lot of water and eat foods rich in antioxidants such as green tea, soy and tomatoes, Sadick says. This can help protect skin cells and prevent skin cancers. If all this sounds costly, don't worry: "It's possible to have healthy skin on a budget," Sadick says — products by Avone and La Roche-Posay are available at drugstores and are particularly good for women age 40 and older.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I’ve had the opportunity to have SIGHT into my existence n’ the VISION of HE that is to come. My experience has taught me that SIGHT is the ability to see the tangible and VISION is the gift of seeing beyond it. I have ALWAYS had the man that I would spend the rest of my life in my SIGHTS, never knowing exactly who he is. However, the VISION of he is mine to behold. Thus I am able to take him in so that I can participate in life with KNOWLEDGE N’ REVERENCE. The pleasure of HE that is brought to my eyes goes WAY beyond the perceive colors AND shapes of his being. I am SO grateful for my SIGHT N’ VISION, it has allowed me to see what was to come, aiding my direction and giving me a place to stand. Relying on ones SIGHT N’ VISION can automatically place us in touch with our inner world. Thus, it is ONLY in this state that VISION becomes the mode of seeing. This VISION comes from within and shows us how to navigate the realms of thought, feeling, and emotion. It enables us to see things that are not yet manifested in the world of form, and it connects us to that part of ourselves that exists separately from the world of form. Hence, as I age, I live being aware that my SIGHT will generally lose some of its acuity, but this will NOT be a loss because I will have this replaced with the VISION of he. THUS, HE IS THE TIME OF LIFE WHEN I TURN INSIDE & TAKE WHAT ARE THE VERY FIRST STEPS OF A JOURNEY THAT CANNOT BE TRACED ON A MAP. MY SIGHT N’ VISION ALLOWS ME TO CALL UPON MY INTUITION & FEEL MY WAY ALONG A PATH THAT ULTIMATELY CARRIES ME BEYOND THE REALM I CAN SEE WITH MY EYES & INTO THE LAND OF SPIRIT THAT LEADS ME TO HE…
Monday, December 17, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Be it once or twice removed,
Date a little here,
Fuck a little there…
Elements of a someone,
As we spin out of control;
With only the lingered remains.
Playing games of love in the dark,
Kissing with the same breathe,
Always the same color;
Fooling the bravest of men,
How so casual of us;
To be misled by the elements that we read.
The ones that set off
Some signal in our head,
That love would be a stranger…
And love back.
Yet we never hide our heart away,
All caught up in the confusion…
The delusion;
That is he.
So sweet,
But oh so bitter…
The morning after.
Not that it should even matter
If it does then we will be alone…again.
Then he is gone,
And our heart is itching
Cause once again…
Now we are the silly n’ foolish fools,
That carelessly…
Believed in the elements
That took us round n’ round…
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

HOW DO YOU DEDINF EXERCISE? In the past, exercise was defined as physical activity that produced aerobic fitness. To qualify, it had to involve large muscle groups of the body (like in the legs), be rhythmic, elevate the heart rate into a "target zone," and keep it there for at least 20 minutes. These definition-limited options to exercises like jogging, power walking, swimming, rowing, cycling, cross-country skiing, and stair stepping. If you did not like these options, too bad. Other activities like dancing, mowing the lawn, gardening, and light sporting activities were considered useless because they did not produce high levels of fitness. Today, research shows that moderate physical activities are worthwhile and are highly effective in managing weight, promoting health, and reducing stress. In addition, there is increased respect for the process of exercise--doing something daily, regardless of the amount of fitness produced. The key ingredient is movement. Get moving and keep moving, but do not get hung up on the particulars. This approach opens up a smorgasbord of physical activities from which to choose. It also offers a variety of ways to approach activities, which increases the likelihood you can find exercises you will enjoy and sustain as part of your lifestyle.
HOW DO YOU STAY MOTIVATED? Selecting an exercise that is right for you is only the first step in successful exercise. Here are proven strategies to help motivate you to start exercising and stay with it. Develop an exercise habit. It takes weeks to form a habit. So keep at it, knowing the more consistent you are in the beginning, the more fixed your new activity will become. Top your "to do" list. Reserve a time slot each day for working out, and do not let anything interfere. Not setting a time leaves you vulnerable to trying to find the time, which typically does not work. The best time to exercise is the most convenient time for you. Although you may be a "morning person," if mornings are too busy, they simply will not work. Do not let others lead you astray. Inform everyone of your exercise time and that you would appreciate their respecting your choice. When approached, invite others to either come along or come back later. Be patient with yourself. Some days you will be more motivated or have more time than other days. When possible, do more. When you cannot, do less, or do something different. When you cannot exercise for a while because of illness, injury, or demands on your time, back off without guilt. A brief period of not exercising is not a disaster.
PLAN AHEAD. Be prepared to exercise. It decreases the inertia of getting moving when demands arise. If you intend to exercise when you get home from work, for example, change immediately into your exercise clothing. Team up. Exercising with others can motivate you when you would rather not. However, it can have a down side. A less motivated or less optimistic partner, for example, can drain you. An option is to have an "exercise date" once or twice a week that is special (on weekends, for example), and to exercise alone the rest of the time. Choose the approach that works for you. Set achievable goals. The more easily you accomplish your goals, the more likely you are to sustain them. Set goals that emphasizes the process (for example, exercising daily for 1 month) as well as the product (for example, jogging 3 miles in 30 minutes). When you achieve a goal, reward yourself. Decide on a reward ahead of time to spur you on. Have fun. Customize your approach to make exercise more enjoyable. For instance, read, watch TV, or listen to your favorite music while pedaling a stationary cycle. Affirm your efforts. Your subconscious believes what it hears, without reasoning. Affirm aloud each morning (when no one is listening!) that you are vibrant and looking forward to a chance to exercise. Then, when the opportunity for exercise arises, your mind will encourage you. Listen to your body. If you exercise regularly, your body may at times say no. Take the hint. You may be doing too much, and overtraining can dampen enthusiasm, causing you to quit. Shift to a milder form of exercise, or take a break. A respite may inspire you to come back with renewed vigor and determination. Complement exercise. In addition to exercising, be sure to eat a low fat, balanced diet, sleep well, and reduce unhealthy influences like smoking and high stress.
ACTIVITIES TO SUIT ALL PERSONALITIES. It is a big help to know your personality and choose your exercise to match. Keeping the options below in mind can help you pick an exercise that feels right for you, rather than choosing an activity because you believe you should. You can also mix things up by, for example, including a competitive activity one day, followed the next day by something that is fun or productive. Competitive. Choose activities that satisfy your nature, such as tennis, racquetball, basketball, volleyball, or soccer. Playful. Try dancing (any type), in-line skating, ice skating, water or snow skiing, or horseback riding. Strong work ethic. Getting the job done counts as good exercise. Try mowing the lawn, gardening, doing carpentry or housework, or washing the car. If you are a LONER: Exercise in the privacy of your home, or take a walk in the park, hike a trail, or try tai chi, yoga, or the martial arts. If you are a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: Mall walking, a golf foursome (without a golf cart), group hikes, and group bicycling are good choices. Join a gym to exercise and socialize. If you are, the GOAL ORIENTED: Choose traditional fitness activities. Run further and faster, lift more, etc. How about the COUCH POTATO: Make a commitment to do something, no matter how trivial, every day (e.g., climb six flights of stairs, walk to a nearby store). Build on your success.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12. HATE
15. LIFE
18. HOPE
25. GOD
28. HOPE
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I know the road is rough;
But you can make this journey…
One foot @ a time.
I do not know the answers
My rational mind cannot comprehend;
But if you simply let go…
Wait patiently the answer will come.
Do not look outside yourself for a teacher,
For you will become your own;
I know it is hard because times are dark…
But fight because you deserve so much more.
Peace is near,
I can feel it;
I know it is easier said than done…
But with jus one foot you can.
Deep down you know you will make it,
Hold on to that feeling,
Your life depends on it…
There is strength in weakness.
You are a miracle in its rare form,
Hungry for life…
Take your place in this world.
© tgk
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007
With us living in a world where SEX,
LIES & THE DOWN LOW is ever so prevalent, one would think
that EVERY female would align herself with a man that has a
direct link to this phenomenon, because the concept that if walks like a duck,
quack like a duck…DOES NOT APPLY IN THE GAY COMMUNITY! Moreover,
that dumb notion does NOT even come close to the array of men
that makes up the GAY COMMUNITY. Most men do NOT ‘look’ GAY, ‘talk’ GAY or ‘act’ GAY,
but they are having SEX with each other nonetheless. So having
a GAY INFORMANT is ideal for women that tend to be SO clueless
about us gay men.
crazy thing is that most of these men do NOT want a
relationship with another man OR consider themselves GAY or BI; they
just blame their double lives on those around them. Their unwillingness to
address their sexual behavior is what is endangering the gay community. Some
say there is a DIRECT connection between this behavior and the rise
of HIV/AIDS infections for both WOMEN and MEN.
Nonetheless, I don’t buy this notion, yet SO many does and bury
their collective heads in the sand and base their theory on unquantifiable information. I suppose it makes
sense to them because no one knows how many men are on DL, but
isn’t stereotyping wrong?
When are folks ESPECIALLY women going to pay
attention to the truth that is right in front of their eyes? Men
of all sorts are picking up each other left N’ right and it is SO easy! How
could it not be? All he has to do is take care of his home life;
having SEX every Wednesday night and every Friday morning.
Pays church a visit on Sunday with the family on Sunday; keeping the woman
satisfied, pay the bills, and come home every night and GAY BASH here N’ there…SHE WON’T
EVEN THINK ABOUT WHAT HE IS REALLY DOING. It is sad when you look on
the other side of the fence and seek the mask from that angle, but how can
things be fixed when both sides lack REAL GAY INTELLIGENCE? This
world is hard and we just place a band aid on a wound that will never
heal…Making it virtually impossible for women to open their minds to reality. THE
Thursday, December 6, 2007
One other part of the body that some people enjoy licking, or having licked, is the anus. The anus has half the nerve endings in the pelvic region and many people find touching it to be sexually arousing. However, please bear in mind that ANAL sex can hurt if it is NOT done right. Hence you MUST use enough lubricant AND exercise patience, it's entirely possible to enjoy anal sex as a safe and fulfilling part of your sex life once you have found your groove.
Can anal sex actually give pleasure? The answer is HELL YES! The pleasure of anal sex is derived from many things AND doing something different to spice up SEX and how it is done is the key. Always bear in mind that the physical sensations available during anal sex are uniquely different from anything else. The rectum is lined with nerve endings, some of which signal the brain to 'reward' you with good feelings when stimulated. Kindly note that the prostate gland is the source of YOUR pleasure…THE TRICK IS FINDING INVENTIVE WAYS OF GETTING IT STARTED…

So how do you prepare yourself for this? REMEMBER that initial penetration is always the most difficult part of anal sex -- the anus is a tight ring of flesh at the opening of the rectum designed to control the elimination of bodily waste. It is partially under voluntary control, and partially reflexive to stimulation. HENCE I WILL REPEAT THAT YOUR PARTNER HAS TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE RELAXED & GO SLOW TO COAX YOUR ANUS INTO RECEIVING HIS PENIS. Start with a well-lubricated finger or a slim (smaller than your penis) dildo. The dildo is more realistic, but your fingers can flex and feel what they're doing inside her ass. Slide one finger in slowly, letting her adjust to it. Take your finger all the way out, and then push it back in again. Give her anus time to get used to this kind of activity. Then slide a second finger in. Consider how big your penis is and realize that two fingers are probably enough.
What position should you use for anal sex? For actual intercourse, picking a position can be important. Many choose to be on top, to regulate how fast penetration occurs. Some like to lie on their stomachs, or crouch doggy-style, or to be penetrated while lying on their sides. Choose what's best before you start. As always, control yourself. Take your time and use lots of lubricant. REMEMBER TOO MUCH LUBE IS ALMOST ENOUGH!
What do you need to have anal sex? The most important pieces of advice I can give on anal sex are: lubricants, condoms, and patience. The most commonly available lubricant is KY-Jelly, a greaseless, odorless substance available at most drug stores. Better lubricants include Astroglide, ID, Wet, or ForePlay, some of which are available at better drug stores, and most of which are available in some form at adult toy stores. Do not buy anything that is oil-based. Make sure the lubricant you buy is rated CONDOM COMPATIBLE. NOTHING ELSE WILL DO! Oil-based lubricants such as VASELINE or BABY OIL WILL DESTROY A CONDOM long before you're done having sex. And many oil-based sub-stances will coat the lining of the rectum, providing a haven for many potential infections. HERE THE TOP 5 LUBRICANTS FOR GAY MEN:
- Eros Silicon – This lube is the best on the market! It solves the pestering problem of stickiness and longevity with it's long-lasting silicon based formula. It takes more time to clean up and may stain your sheets, but is noticeably more smooth than most lubricants.
- Wet Platinum – Wet brand platinum lubricant, from their premium line is also long lasting and latex free. This is a guaranteed hit for your intimate needs and unlike Eros is water-based.
- Frixion – Can do more than add a little spice to your sex life, it is also good for your skin and libido! Made with plant extracts and natural aphrodisiacs, pleasure comes in many forms.
- Liquid Silk – Creamy and long-lasting! What more can you ask for? Liquid Silk is also lightweight for a natural feeling.
- Wet Flavored – One of the major complaints of lubricants, besides stickiness, is taste. One of the most well-known brands has a solutions with flavored lubes ranging from Wine Grape to Passion Fruit.
Do you have to use a condom? Even if you're sure that both you and your partner are disease- free, you should still use a condom. The rectum is home to lots of infectious bacteria that can cause burning and urethritis of the penis. It will also help you clean up afterwards. ANAL SEX CAN BE A SHITTY ACTIVITY FOR A LOT OF FIRST-TIMERS. So my advice to you is that you ensure that you use a commercial enema, like Fleet to remove any left waste that can cause an embarrassment. However, if you are not comfortable using a cleansing agent just make sure you do NOT have to go before engaging in anal sex. HERE ARE THE TOP 8 CONDOM BRANDS FOR GAY MEN:
- Kimono – this is One of the best latex condoms on the market. Kimono's are 20% thinner than most condoms, yet just as safe with their smooth and easy feel. Kimono condoms are best for the more discriminating condom user.
- Kimono Micro Thin – even thinner than it's aforementioned sister, Kimono Micro Thins easily rank as one of our most popular. Kimono obviously focuses on comfort without sacrificing safety. For safer sex without the sensation of wearing a condom, Kimono Micro Thins work best.
- Trojan Magnum XL – when other condoms just don't measure up, Trojan Magnum XL's are the way to go. This condom is 30% larger than the standard condom but ranks at the top of our list.
- Durex Warming Pleasures – this hits the spot on a cold night when the apartment heat isn't working. The lubricated wraps warm on contact for both partner's pleasure.
- Pleasure Plus – these condoms come in trendy Fendi-like eyeglass case. The condoms themselves looks like old hot combs and feature a roomy pouch with fine internal ribs at the tip. The ribbed pouch gives a rugged tickle sensation when moved back and forth.
- Inspiral – if you were walking along the beach and stumbled upon a small seashell and put it on the tip of a condom, you’d have the Inspiral. It creates a twisted spiral for anal pleasure. Try Inspiral on the beach for the full effect.
- Trojan Mint Tingle – this is the freshest for those that prefer scented sensual pleasure. Experience this green, minty flavored and scented condom. Water-based lubricant is recommended.
- Okamoto Beyond Seven Studded – made from strong and durable sheerlon material provides a lighter condom feel. These condoms come lightly lubricated and studded for extra pleasure.