I am sure that there are a lot of US that are GAY and CONFUSED as to what this life really means. It is a TRAGEDY that even in the 21st Century, many YOUNG GAY MEN experience prejudice AND discrimination from their families AND communities. Moreover, it is a much sadder situation when they come across another GAY male that is older AND he F&CKS him, but NOT in a good way. This is extremely difficult AND painful for a YOUNG GAY MAN in this position because he is unknowingly conforming to some rules that he doesn’t is in place. He is @ a point in his life where he is looking for something…someone who can shine a light in the dark places. AND HOW CAN HE NOT? WHY SHOULDN’T HE LOOK TO THE MATURE GAY MALE FOR GUIDENCE? He knows the ropes, he paved the way…yet it seems that they are both in need of some REAL LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. It puzzles me how there is NO MENTORSHIP within the GAY community beyond what takes place sexually. I can’t see how it is something so accepted AND tolerable. HOW CAN WE NOT SEE HOW THIS IS HURTING THE COMMUNITY? When a BOY becomes a MAN and has to deal with the taboo subject of HIS sexuality, isn’t it obvious that he is largely ignorant of what HIS sexuality is all about? There is a HEIGHTEN anxiety around sex AND HIS sexuality which result in him seeking answers to questions that seems to elude him. Here’s a thought…¿HOW ABOUT MENTORING OUR YOUNG GAY MEN INSTEAD OF JUS' F&CKING THEM? You have come before them so shouldn’t you have some doors open AND make life a little easier for a YOUNG GAY MAN to walk through? The longer this issue stays AND the truth is NOT revealed, the more PAIN and AGONY WE will suffer.

When it is all said and done, it simply boils down to one thing…WE ARE NOT MEN! It is as if WE are IMPOTENT and this impotence is MOSTLY self-inflicted SOLELY based on OUR decision to stand in the shadow of a master that will FOREVER try to keep US back. The resurgence of OUR sexuality is directly related to our willingness to SPEAK and ACT out, against this oppression and NOT exploit each other. For if we ACTUALLY felt WE were men AND live it no matter what, WE would be a better people. Instead what WE really have is a community with NON-MEN that falsify AND degrade US. I can NEVER understand why WE want to bring this FALSE manhood to fruition. It is NON-FUNCTIONAL and to put it mildly WE ARE TRYING TO BE SOMEONE, BUT WHEN WE GET SOMEONE IN OUR BEDS WE CANNOT FIND SOMETHING OUR THAN INTERCOURSE TO SHOW HOW WE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. WHEN WILL THE PARADOX BE CLARIFIED? IT IS NOT THE GAY MAN THAT I AM ATTACKING, BUT THE GAY MAN THAT TRIES TO BE EVERYTHING BUT A MAN! The painful realization is that even before WE become the men we want to be, WE are attacked for being what in fact WE are not. WE NEED TO FACE THE FACT THAT WE ARE OUR OWN OPPRESSORS, WE ARE EXACTLY LIKE THE ONES THAT TRY DEFINE WHO WE ARE AS MEN…HENCE WE CAN NEVER HOPE TO BE A MAN…The psycho-social dilemma that we label as HOMOPHOBIA, but INTERNALLY WE know the truth…Too much time is wasted on defending ourselves against perceived notions about the GAY man that WE loose the battle long before the war starts. WE know the system is NOT working yet WE carry on as if it is; HOW CUTE IS THAT? WHAT DOES IT PROFIT THE GAY TO WIN HIS MANHOOD IF THE COST IS MANAGING THE BREAK DOWN OF THE COMMUNITY? AREN’T WE MARGINALIZED ENOUGH? WHY CAN’T WE ADDRESS THE DEPTH OF OUR PAIN RATHER THAN SUFFER IN SILENCE? IS IT ANY WONDER WE OFTEN END UP MARGINALIZE INTO A POSITION OF VERY LIMITED, IF ANY, EFFECTIVENESS?
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