Most of us understand that when we judge someone, or someone judges us, it is a negative emotional experience. As a result, we naturally want to avoid being judgmental, I find this confusing because this means that I have to suppress energy that could actually be offering guidance. Being the consciousness LIGHT FORCE that I am, I have NO choice but to offer options that seek to explore AND heal oneself. I get that judgments close us down instead of opening us up; but that’s not my intension. For a VERY important person in my life I feel that I should speak up for her because everyone else is simply talking about her AND not seeking to be apart of the solution…So to my friend, I just want you let yourself go AND move towards your divinity. You are the ONLY entity that can FREE you of yourself AND the internal strife that you carry. I want you to LOVE yourself above ALL else. This calls for you LET GO of the past, for you cannot move into the future if you don’t. When I am near you, I sense that you have so many regrets…just LET GO of them, if you don’t you will NEVER be happy. The problems that you face will NEVER give you any solutions OR move you towards YOUR truth. I get that you are going through a difficult time, but I am your friend and I want you to know that I am here for you. You’ve been @ your lowest for far too long AND I seek to carry your burden… Let me tap into your inner guidance, for it will be hard for you to get through the tough times. It saddens me to know that you get self-conscious about having a tough time, yet you do not acknowledge it…I KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT EVERYONE’S CUP OF TEA; GOOD WHO NEEDS TO BE ANYWAYS? YOU ARE A WOMAN UNLIKE ANY OTHER IT IS HIGH TIME YOU LIVE IT…IT’S LOVE VERSUS HATE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I WANT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOU, THE WOMAN, THE LOVER, THE ANIMAL & THE BEAST. ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT YOU GIVE TO THE WORLD, SO AFFIRM WHO YOU ARE! YOU ARE EQUAL TO THE REST OF US YOU ARE ONE THE MOST NATURAL PEOPLE I KNOW…I JUST HATE TO SEE IT END BEFORE YOU EVEN BEGIN.
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