
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Sunday, December 21, 2008


All over the world, there exists a simple principle that, when followed, has the power to end conflict AND expel strife. It is the Golden Rule, a key concept in many philosophies and spiritualities that asks us to DO UNTO OTHERS AS WE WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO US. Its meaning is clear: treat others only in ways that you would want to be treated. However, the golden rule is NOT always easy to follow. It can be a challenge to honor others as we wish to be honored. Yet, during this festive season we somehow…someway find the time to bestow gifts of LOVING kindness on our fellow man. I for one am willing to take ANY act of kindness when it is shown, but I can’t help but feel that we are a bit cheated when it is done but once a year. If only we lived like Christmas was EVERY day where our good thoughts AND well wishes were rooted in PURE compassion and we NOT feel compel to perform any specific act. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME…What happens to us when the decorations come down? Does the harmony and good-will disappear when the last drop of rum leaves the bottle? Why does the sweet sounds of laughter N’ happiness is like that cake crumb that is thrown in the trash? I guess I am asking questions that NO one cares to answer because we are all guilty of putting ourselves first AND NOT looking for opportunities to care for each other beyond this festive season. I mean SHOWING COMPASSION, BEING CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS, CARING FOR THE LESS FORTUNATE & GIVING GENEROUSLY ARE JUST SOME OF THE THINGS THAT MANKIND SHOULD ASPIRE TO BUT…We all know of the POSITIVE effect we can have on this world, yet we put on this farce EVERY season. I live my life thinking that…KINDNESS BEGETS KINDNESS & WE SHOULD PAY-IT-FORWARD NOT JUST ONCE A YEAR. IN REALITY WHAT WE HAVE ARE PERSONS THAT ARE TRYING TO BE A LIGHT BUT ONCE A YEAR…I GUESS THIS MEANS THAT THEY HAVE AN OUT FOR THE OTHER 50 OR SO WEEKS OF THE YEAR. NO MATTER WHO WE ARE OR WHAT WE DO WHEN WE DO IT, I HOPE THAT WE ALL DO WHAT OUR SOUL N’ HEART DICTATES…IT IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE THE PUREST EXPRESSION OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN. THIS WOULD MEAN THAT WE ARE LOOKING PAST OUR STATUS OF RICH/POOR, BLACK/WHITE, GAY/STRAIGHT & SO ON…CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT WORLD THIS COULD BE IF WE GOT BENEATH THE SURFACE OF WHO WE ARE AS HUMANS BY MERELY ACTING HUMANLY TO OTHERS? WOULDN’T YOU RATHER SEE THE TRUE ESSENCE OF YOUR FELLOW MAN, THE RADIANCE OF HIS BEING & THE SPIRIT THAT LIVES WITHIN HIM ALL YEAR ROUND? SO AS WE CARVE THAT TURKEY & RAISE OUR COLLECTIVE GLASSES, MY HOPE N’ WISH THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON IS THAT WE REMEMBER THAT SO LITTLE OF WHO EACH OF US IS CAN’T BE CAPTURED DURING THIS TIME OF THE YEAR, & THAT THE THOUGHTS, FEARS, DESIRES & LONGINGS THAT ARE PART OF WHAT MAKES US WHOLE ARE GOING TO BE WITH US FOR A LIFETIME…CHRISTMAS IS BUT ONCE A YEAR, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE HAVE TO MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORT TO CARE FOR EACH OTHER DURING THIS TIME…DOES IT?

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