
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Sunday, November 30, 2008


For a LONG time now, we’ve been living in a world where mankind has been getting ready to live. And as a result of this we have a world that is consumed with ALL the wrong things. From money to fancy cars to the huge house we want it ALL! It is SO sad that many of us seek the answers to life’s question by looking outside of ourselves and try to get happiness N’ joy from the things that will NOT last. Each of us is unique, with OUR own personal histories, OUR own sense of right and wrong, and OUR own way of experiencing the world that defines OUR realities; and using everything AND everyone will ONLY further the problem that already exists in this world. We need to be ready because the future started YESTERDAY and we are a day late AND a dollar short. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR US TO GET IT? More terrorist attack in some parts of the world? More people dying from hunger? More fretting about the how AND why of life? We need to act as THE compass of life and NOT life being the compass of us. We need to learn to HEAR, TRUST and EMBRACE the world as it happening on MANY levels. I get that within us there are NUMEROUS voices that often compete for our attention. It can be difficult to decide which one to listen to, particularly when the world is sending out its very own set of signals. However ONE voice is the speaker of TRUTH and that’s the voice that is telling you TO BE READY! We need to achieve this if we are to fix things and make them better. Because we’ve been living like we don’t get what humanity is all about, I get that being READY is something that will not happen overnight. But I am SURE if we are PATIENT as we relearn how to be a human with a heart N’ soul we can get there in NO time. We need to STOP going against the TRUTH because it slapping us in the face everyday in every way. THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE, PLACES N’ THINGS YOU CAN SEE THE HAND GOD @ WORK, YET WE IGNORE IT & LIVE AS IF WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PEOPLE WE ARE…IT IS TIME TO STIR UP OUR SOULS SO WE CAN MAKE THAT JOURNEY TO THAT MOUNTAIN TOP & BE READY SO WE DON’T HAVE TO GET READY FOR THE CHANGE THE WORLD NEEDS…

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