
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Did you miss the latest entry into Certified CrazyTM arguments against same-sex marriage? Well there is off the wall notion that if two men are allowed to get married that “IT WILL HURT WOMEN & MAKE ALL MEN GAY!”

So in further reading on this article I was NOT surprised to learn that it's a conservative religious type trying to convince you same-sex marriage will hurt women. Though nothing new, I can’t help but be amused AND upset @ the same time. Their thought process just baffles the mind and further convinces me that we need to fight for our rights even harder…they seem to think that we aren't just after same-sex marriage, but want mainstream homosexuality…sorry, homoeroticism, so one day Little Billy grows up in a world where men are engaged in romps with other men simply because it's just so normal, and not because, uh, they're sexually attracted to other men. [W]ere I a woman, I would be concerned about the ignorance AND hatred they are teaching others when they act out like this…If only they could somehow see that we mean them NO harm @ all!  

Is there a way they can see Johnny, a teenager, has pals who date boys and pals who date girls? @ The movies and on billboards, they would see that depictions of men in love with men and of men in love with women isn’t a bad thing @ all…Because Johnny admires the picture in his principal's office of the principal and his husband on their honeymoon. In this day, no one uses the word "homosexual" anymore; in just the same way that today no one uses the word "negro" because they are SO laden with the baggage of yesteryear's bigotry. In fact, in this day, no one makes a big deal about sexual orientation at all. Johnny knows that when he seeks intimacy he is free to choose a blonde, a brunette, a guy, a girl; it's all cool. Free choice and tolerance take the day…NOT IGNORANCE & MAYHEM…

Sad how we keep shoot 'em down, opponents just keep creating new far-fetched scare tactics. But fairy tales are fun to read nonetheless…right? Talk about men screwing other men simply because GAYS WANT TO MARRY…ATTRACTION BE DAMNED…

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