
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Valentine Road chronicles the life, and death, of Larry King and his killer Brandon McInerney 

In 2008 Larry King, a gay teenager from Oxnard, California was shot in his computer class. His killer, classmate Brandon McInerney, put two bullets in the back of Larry's head. The 15-year-old died two days later.

Valentine Road, a documentary by Marta Cunningham, chronicles the bloody crime, the trial and the lives of the teenagers.

The show premiered the 7th of October on HBO and has earned positive reviews.

'Valentine Road  is a profoundly disturbing and extremely effective attempt to make us stop in our tracks and try to answer the questions we so patly ask,' said the Los Angeles Times.

Few facts of the case were ever in doubt. Larry, who was out and known to wear makeup, came up to Brandon when he was playing basketball with some classmates. Valentine's Day was near and the precocious boy asked Brandon to be his valentine.

The next day Brandon killed Larry.

Three years later, Brandon was on trial as an adult. However, his defense team made Larry's alleged "sexual aggression" the actual reason for his death. The case ended in a mistrial.

The jury couldn't decide if the crime was voluntary manslaughter or first- or second-degree murder. McInerney eventually pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter. He'll spend 21 years in prison.

'They made a murder victim the cause of his own murder. I've never seen that before,' Homicide Detective Jeff Kay said.

As Gawker notes, three pro-McInerney jurors freely admit to dismissing Brandon's obsession with Nazi imagery. They also blamed the school and the dead child.

'The school was so pro-Larry King’s civil rights, but where were Brandon’s civil rights,' the juror asked.

She went on to say the killing was Brandon's attempt to handle something the school didn't.

'He was solving a problem.'

Shirley Brown, Larry's seventh-grade teacher, offers the following: 'I do believe in a heaven and a hell, and I do believe Larry honestly did not have a clue, honestly, the consequences of his actions.' Brown said.

'I relate to Brandon because I could see my own self being in that very same position. I don't know if I would have taken a gun, but a good, swift kick in the butt might work really well.'

Below is an advertisement for the film:



  1. This is disturbing that they blamed a child for his own murder. It's a shame the adults are so ignorant...make that stupid and agree with the slaying of a child him asking the guy to be his Valentine. The fact they over looked Nazi imagery says alot about those who support the killer
