
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Sunday, April 5, 2009


Let me start off by saying that I believe in God, the God of Jesus Christ, the God of Mohammed, the God of George Bush, the God of Saddam Hussein…you get my drift! While it is true that most of the world’s citizens are @ the very least CHRISTIANS, why do the minorities that ascribe to other religions find little OR no comfort despite the so called BASIC right to pursue one's religious preferences? I mean more than half of them are merely SUNDAY CHRISTIANS anyways, so why do they highlight their beliefs and shun those that want it? Do you think this is the case because of the BOLD and BASIC idea the Constitution of the world in its preface professed to do little more than to acknowledge this fact? These SUNDAY CHRISTIANS LORD over the rest of the world that they are a nation founded upon CHRISTIAN principles. Is that right? Does this group of persons seem to present that they and they alone have a DIRECT private line to God? Moreover they seem to think that they are QUALIFIED and state without equivocation who is the Lord's anointed. They’ve set up a hierarchical system in God's house parallel to royalty OR the system of protocol accorded to heads of state. There is this pastor who refers to his wife as FIRST LADYDoesn’t anyone ever wonder if this man is subconsciously projecting his own transgendered self-image upon his FIRST LADY? This HEAD of the SUNDAY CHRISTIANS enriches himself by freely instilling fear of God into his follower. After all who wants to feel the eternal flames of Hell by NOT acknowledging them? SHIT, they only EMPHASIZE God’s love N’ compassion…right? So, out of fear, we week after week, and in some instances, day after day, support this action because it eases OUR conscience? I find it so miraculous how we give SO generously to the man in charge, resigned inevitably to the fact that we are born in sin and are merely obliged to try to better. I would fill God's bank account with money that goes a long way in influencing HIM not to let us suffer the eternal pangs of hell's damnation…AH WELL, THERE GOES EVERYONE ELSE…IN OTHER WORDS, RELIGIOUS MINORITIES COULD PERHAPS ALLEGE BIAS, BUT THAT IS A MATTER FOR THE SUNDAY CHRISTIANS & CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYERS…& WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT’S GOING TO TURN OUT, DON’T WE? SUFFICE TO NOTE THAT THE FEELING OF PREJUDICE DOES EXIST & IT IS REINFORCED BY SUNDAY CHRISTIANS WHO SELECTIVELY RELY UPON THE CONSTITUTION & THE BIBLE IN VENTING THEIR INTOLERANCE AGAINST THOSE THEY DEEM ARE AGAINST GOD…I GUESS THEY ARE RIGHT BECAUSE THEY ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE WHO PERVADE THEIR BELIEFS ON EVERY STREET CORNER, EVERY BAR ROOM, EVERY PROFESSION, EVERY NEWSPAPER THAT TOUCHES VIRTUALLY ALL WALKS OF LIFE…

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