It can be frustrating when it
feels like there’s a sinkhole-sized gap between you and your partner’s sex
drives. Sex plays a significant role in most relationships for obvious reasons:
It’s an opportunity to connect on a physical and emotional level, a way to
learn about your partner & to be frank, it just feels really good.
So when your partner isn’t in
the mood do you think it’s because:
They’ve lost some attraction to
They’re feeling insecure?
They don’t feel like they can
satisfy your desires?
They’re emotionally distant?
They don’t want to have sex
with you?
The Boyfriend and I were about sex, until we weren't. Now? We're about companionship, laughs, listening, caring, sharing, and just spending time together. So... I am not paranoid. I am not unhappy. I love him and he loves me. That's as good as it ever gets, kids. Kizzes.