
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Sunday, September 27, 2009


There is NO secret recipe for life on this planet, yet there are individuals who move through life with the colored perception of what GOD WANTS. So for centuries these persons in this unpredictable AND chaotic world, these individuals have used THE BIBLE as a way to keep a certain group of society subordinate. Those who feel that they possess the power define those who they feel are powerless; and then impose their own definition on the ones defined. The guiding principle is to ensure the comfort, the convenience, the happiness, and the well-being of the dominant ones. It HURTS my soul SO much to know that there are persons out there that have such unnecessary HATE for men and women like me; and to make matter worst, SO many of them don’t even care to know the facts about the lives we live…Why should anyone get themselves involved in such a controversial subject like homosexuality unless they absolutely have to…right? Hence it is easier for them to interpret us as THE sign of hell N’ damnation? I often wonder if they realize who made us when they think of the disgusting image of SAME-SEX individuals being together. However, I am under the impression that since it is NONE of their business, they just need to move on and start thinking about something they actually know something about! Is it our fault that they don’t understand who we are? Is there a legitimate reason to put a whole class of people on GOD’S bad list when their bible says NOT to judge? Their actions CLEARLY shows that they have a limited understanding of the book they follow, the world around them AND the complexities of homosexuals. Their book tells them that ONLY GOD can judge us yet in their quest to feel superior AND sanctified they either don’t get it or…sorry there is NO other excuse…THEY JUST DON’T GET IT! As a result of this, they then out of ignorance N’ fear VIGOROUSLY defend the words out of a book rather than leave well intentioned humans alone…SO much for entering THEIR GOD’S KINGDOM through the narrow gate…I wonder if we will ever find the gateway that is small where the road is narrow? I suppose life is TOO hard and it is SO easy just to do and believe what everybody else around you believes, especially about a particularly controversial issue such as homosexuality…right? After all, what would God say? F&CK WHAT GOD WANTS FOR US AS HUMAN IS THEIR MOTTO BECAUSE THEY ARE HELL BENT ON LIVING WITH BLINDERS THAT CREATE A RESTRICTIVE TUNNEL VISION. CAN WE BLAME THEM FOR NOT WANTING US TO BE HAPPY WHEN THEY AREN’T? THEIR FOCUSING ON OUR IMMORAL AGENDA KEEPS THEM FROM SEEING THE REAL TRUTH…& IF THERE IS A 2,000 YEAR BELIEF THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, HOW CAN WE COME ALONG & SAY THAT THE CHURCH HAS BEEN WRONG ALL THIS TIME? I SAY WE CAN BECAUSE OF THE MYOPIC VIEW THEY HAVE AND THE ISOLATION BETWEEN US & THEM IS THE MAIN REASON WE CAN SAY THEY ARE SO WRONG…SO F&CK THE BIBICAL TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY! I KNOW I DO WITH EVERY BREATH THAT LEAVES THIS BODY OF MINE…

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