It can be very challenging to maintain a positive attitude and a measure of
faith when you are in the midst of difficult times. This is partly because we
tend to think that if the universe loves us we will experience that love in the
form of positive circumstances. However, we are like children, and the universe
is our wise mother who knows what our souls need to thrive better than we do.
Just as a young child does not benefit from getting everything she wants, we
also benefit from times of constriction and difficulty to help us grow and
learn. If we keep this in mind, and continue to trust that we are loved even
when things are hard, it helps us bear the difficult time with grace.
This period of time in history is full of difficulty for a lot of human beings,
and you may feel less alone knowing you are not being singled out. There are
extreme energy changes pulsing through the universe at every level and, of
course, we are all part of the growing process and the growing pains. It helps
if we remember that life is one phase after another and that this difficult
time will inevitably give way to something new and different. When we feel
overwhelmed we can comfort ourselves with the wise saying: This too shall pass.
At the same time, if you truly feel that nothing is going right for you, it's
never a bad idea to examine your life and see if there are some changes you can
make to alleviate some of the difficulty. Gently and compassionately exploring
the areas giving you the most trouble may reveal things you are holding onto and
need to release: unprocessed emotions, unresolved transitions, or negative ways
of looking at yourself or reality. As you take responsibility for the things
you can change, you can more easily surrender to the things you can't,
remembering all the while that this phase will, without doubt, give way to
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