My friend, Change Starts Within! One of the biggest problems we face in our world today is the failure to make changes for the better. When problems arise on your job, how do you handle the situation? Are you quick to complain and gossip or do you walk away and begin to pray? In your home, when something needs to be done, do you take the initiative or do you wait for someone else to do it? Change Starts Within! Before we can expect someone else to change, we must begin to change ourselves. Change is not always a bad thing. So often we become complacent in certain areas and situations. We stop expecting the sun to shine. Change Starts Within! Today, what are you going through? In your life, where have you given up? Within yourself, if you believe that things can and will get better, they can and will. If you trust in the Sovereignty of God, you will see His glory manifested for you. Many people have given up on you. They do not believe you can change. Your situation seems unbearable. The vision God gave you appears to be unreachable. Change Starts Within! You must begin to speak life to yourself. You must change the way you walk, talk, think and live.
Thought to Remember: Self-evaluate yourself, before you criticize someone else.
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