
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Sunday, November 4, 2007


How does one decipher what DATING is when we live in world where the UNSPOKEN carries a lot of power? DATING is supposed to afford us the opportunity to COURT and GET TO KNOW an individual whose COMMON interest is each other. Yet what many of us call DATING is actually NOT and we are so far from the concept that it makes me want to SCREAM! So If DATING is, any SOCIAL ACTIVITY performed as a pair or even a group with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP or as a SPOUSE and the word refers to the act of agreeing on a time and "date" when a pair can meet and engage in some social activity; ¿WTF IS DATING? 

Now I am very much AWARE of the FACT that there are many forms of DATING, perhaps as many as there are people and WE all have different views on this subject. Nonetheless, this activity that was invented within the last 200 years is TOTALLY by passed by many and TRIAL RELATIONSHIPS are acted upon in its place. I guess that is all well and good because in many instances DATING PROMOTES LUST and further feeds the ever growing SEX SELLS SYNDROME. I THINK THAT BEFORE WE CAN DATE, WE NEED TO RID OUR COMMUNITY OF THAT SELF-CENTERED, FEELING-ORIENTED CONCEPT OF LOVE THAT WE BATHE OURSELVES IN ON A DAILY BASES. If done for COURTSHIP purposes DATING should create a PERMANENT ENDORPHIN-BOND between two people who will MORE than likely have a very good chance of spend their lives together. So tell me this, IF DATING can teach us how to break off difficult relationships BEFORE they get started, conditioning us more for MARRIAGE than DIVORCE, does this mean that WE are doing it WRONG? 

Whatever the WORLD says OR believe WE are NOT really DATING because the END results prove that WE are NOT handling LIFE’S REALITIES. Within the DATING phase of our lives, we should have dealt with the developing variety AND change of our appetite when it comes to dealing with the ONE that we have settled with; and NOT create DISSATISFACTION within ourselves. When one dates instead of DATE he/she achieves INTIMACY but not COMMITMENT, they skip the FRIENSHIP stage of a relationship; MISTAKING a physical relationship for LOVE, isolating themselves from other VITAL DATES. Hence they are distracted from the PRIMARY responsibility of preparing for the FUTURE and SEEKING happiness. NONETHELESS, THERE SEEM TO BE CONFLICTS IN THE PRACTICES OF DATING. I WOULD  LIKE SOMEONE TO PLEASE DIFFERENTIATE THEM, & IF POSSIBLE DESCRIBE HOW THE DIFFERENT PRACTICES BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE. WE SIT HERE & SHARE OUR THOUGHTS N’ FANTASIES ON WHAT CONSTITUTES DATING & OUR ROLES IN IT, BUT SUCH CONVERSATIONS IF I MAY SAY, ARE MERELY THEORETICAL & DO NOT REFLECT THE REAL PURPOSE OF DATING. 

1 comment:

  1. I think dating is the process by which we make an effort to have interactions with other people so as to see if there is any sort of compatibility or the best fit for this individual,if any at all in our lives.This compatibility for some may just be sexual compatibility while for others it maybe more for the longterm in terms of companionship and commitment.Then you have others who aren't sure what they are hoping to achieve by engaging in it and are content to just go with the wind. There are monogamous daters,who would only date one person at a time while there are others who engage in multiple dating(wanted to use promiscuous but it has a negative connotation). It can be described as a familiarization tour but as is often the case with other such tours,they only show you what they want you to see.So it becomes an illusion and things aren't necessarily what they appear to be during this process. Dating is all this and much more,i don't even think i've scratched the surface.Hopefully this would illicit much more discussion and debate.Come to think of it what really is dating?
