
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


It used to be all about tolerance. We wanted the straights to tolerate us and teach their children to be tolerant. Sort of like how you’re tolerant of a yapping dog or an old lady wearing too much perfume.

Somewhere in the last decade, though, being tolerated wasn’t enough and we switched to asking for acceptance.

But what does accepting someone as gay mean—accept like a compliment? Accepting it as a fact? As a fate (like terminal cancer)?

Sometimes we’re told we are accepted: Conservative Christians often promise they accept us, they just disagree with us. But their acceptance doesn’t come with the right to marry, to serve in the Army or to teach their children. So what’s it worth? Does it mean you let them live next door to you? Or does it mean you believe they and their values are equal to you in every way?

Even us gays have trouble accepting sometimes: We might promise Christian activists we’d never force them to perform a gay marriage if they didn’t want to, but how many cities have laws telling reception halls, florists, caterers and the like that they can’t turn us way?

And as the malicious words of bigots damage more and more young LGBT people, will we start insisting they embrace us?

Is there a hard-and-fast rule about acceptance or is it more a case-by-case definition? Or maybe it’s time for a new word again.


  1. Not acceptance...the words are "abide by the law" and once the laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual preference are the law of the land then that is what the intolerant, religious extremists will have to abide by.
    Then can call it whatever they want at that point.

    I used to be happy with just the law giving us civil unions but I realize that that was not equal and the religious fanatics used it as a way of telling us they were 'superior" and were seen as better in the eyes of God.

    Discrimination was acceptable until we stopped accepting it.


  2. acceptance, to me... is to let people be as long as they're not hurting anyone or themselves.

    "it's because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it's wrong"


    INSANITY IS INSANE!!! haha! happy Friday!

  3. LMAO! I just caught that, I said ^happy Friday LOL! it's only Wednesday... geez! haha! o.k. I'm done for today


  4. To me "tolerance" means that you suffer my presence, my being. You give me permission to exist in your space. That, alone, is not enough.

    To me, "acceptance" means that although you may not like like me, you acknowledge my right to exist and my access to my basic rights.

    Neither one, alone, are enough. However, together, over time, hopefully they will erode the perceived differences and the hatred.

    Just because discrimination is illegal doesn't mean that it disappears overnight. I know. This past past weekend, my boyfriend, a cum laude university graduate with a graduate degree, was called a "stupid nigger" in a local restaurant.

  5. I think we must strive for total equality under the law! But it is very difficult to change people's prejudices or religious beliefs. Only time can bring about those changes.

    1. I don't even think we need to change their beliefs, they just need to live and let live

  6. I see it like this. Racism STILL exist and it ISN'T going anywhere and neither is Homophobia. Wanting "acceptance" is like saying "I want ALL homophobia to cease." Now to me, that's like saying "I want world peace" It is NOT something that is going to happen.

    Put its 2013 we have came a long way from slavery up to the 60s, where you could be RACIST and GET AWAY WITH IT.

    These days racism could get you a discrimination lawsuit and/or attention that you DO NOT want. So are SO many CLOSET racist that WON'T say nor do any offensive because they know it would be looked down upon in this day and age. THAT'S tolerance, I racist won't EVER accept black people, but they will TOLERATE cus they HAVE TO!

    Do you have any idea how many people STILL wish BLACK PEOPLE STILL HAD NO RIGHTS? A lot, I'm sure.

    I want it to be the same way for us gays. You DON'T have to like me, but DAMMIT DONT DISRESPECT ME AND GIVE ME MY RIGHTS!!!

    The problem is the HOMOPHOBES STILL HAVE TOO MANY ALLIES! Racism these days gets a BAD rep, but when we still have TOO MANY people standing in DEFENSE of the homophobes.

    Just tolerate me and gives me my rights. WE NEED TO PUSH THESE HOMOPHOBES IN THE CLOSET LIKE WE DID TO RACISTS!

    Wooo, that was long. i'm done now

    1. You summed it up PERFECTLY! I believe that we will NEVER do away with opposition in this world, I even dear say we need it for balance.

  7. This has all become very simple for me:

    I demand my rights as an American Citizen.

    1. AMAZING how the simple things seem SO hard for folks!

  8. Very interesting exchanges and discussions. We have the same on the other side of the Atlantic !

    1. I posted this to add to the discussions on your side of the world.
