of the most stimulating experiences for men is the stimulation of the prostate
gland, but their partners may not know how to find the male G-spot. For some
men, stimulation of the male G-spot is off-putting, but for others it can lead
to more powerful and enlightening orgasms. Finding the prostate or male G spot
is not difficult, but it does require some practice. You only need JUS Lubricant and trimmed
nails to explore.
your partner lie in a comfortable position, such as lying on his back. Relax
him by giving him a body massage and stimulate his penis to erection. Try to
get him to relax his anal muscles as much as possible. Be supportive and calm
by talking to him and asking for feedback. You’ll not know how to find the male
G-spot if he’s not talking to you or is uncomfortable, so be sure to take your
time to do the job correctly.

Get Prepared
the rubber gloves on and apply a large amount of JUS Lubricant to your
gloved finger. Apply a small amount of lubricant to his anus as well. Rub the
area gently, and maintain the erotic mood by stimulating his penis or talking
sensually. Ask for feedback again, saying things like, “Does this feel good?”
Take your time.
find the male G-spot, you’ll need to slowly insert your finger into his anus
about one to two inches. Slowly move the finger in and watch for signs on his
face that he is enjoying the action or if he is uncomfortable. Slow down and
stay put once you’ve gotten your finger inside as his muscles may tense before
you’ve reached the male G spot. Don’t proceed until he tells you it’s okay.
Slowly insert your finger to about the second knuckle, where you’ll begin to
find the male G spot.
inside the rectum, you’ll be able to feel a large bundle of bulbous tissue near
the front it will be facing his belly button. Think about making the come here
finger gesture. It is found directly above his scrotum, towards the front of
his body. The bulbous ball is his male G-spot or prostate, and it is wired with
millions of nerves that can be easily stimulated. Gently rub the tissue of the
male G-spot with the pad of your finger, applying very light pressure. You can
also give him oral pleasure. His orgasm will be very intense.
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