Ready for a
wonderful healthy body? Here are 10 tips muscle training tips that can help you
on your journey.
1. Have A Plan.
Why do most people fail? They do not set goals and write out detailed plans on
how they will attain the goals that they set for themselves. You can go to the
bookstore and pick up numerous books on how to train and they all say something
So which one is
correct? They all are! Everything works just not forever. This is where
planning comes in. I set up a training cycle in 12 week blocks. I further break
the blocks down into 2-3 week mini blocks.
Each mini block
changes so that different types of training are incorporated and the trainee
gets exposed to the maximum amount of variation which will cause the most
significant changes in their physique. Within the 12 week cycle we are always
looking at bettering our own personal records for a given movement.
2. Keep A
Journal. By keeping an accurate journal you will guarantee that you are making
progress, and if you are not then the journal itself will have the answers to
why you are not making progress.
The journal is
the " facts" of your training and it cannot lie to you unless you
write down the information incorrectly! It is pretty simple... if last week you
did 100lbs for 8 reps then this week you either need to do 9 reps or up the
weight by 1-5 pounds. I know it sounds too simple, but if you do this long
enough you will attain whatever goals you set for yourself. (Set realistic
3. Big
Movements. Concentrate on doing the big multi joint movements like:
Deadlifts Bench press Shoulder press Chin ups Dips Rows Curls Situps (yes I did
say sit ups!) Calf raises. Single joint movements are great at isolating a
specific muscle group, but I prefer my clients to do the harder multi joint
exercises because they are more productive at stimulating the muscles!
4. Pay
Attention To The Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which you lift the weight. If you
go to most gyms around the globe the majority lift at a pretty fast tempo, say
a 1 second eccentric (negative or lowering) and a 1 second concentric (positive
or raising).
You should vary
the tempo at which you train and this can be worked into the "plan"
in the mini blocks. A few examples of how to change the tempo are slowing down
both the eccentric and concentric pausing in the top or the bottom of the movement.
I personally
like to do a 5 second eccentric and the pause in the bottom of the exercise for
2 seconds and then explode up for a total of 7 second rep. This is
significantly different than the 2 seconds most people do. By changing the
tempo you will increase the time under tension and thus force the muscles to
adapt to a different stress. This is something that should be part of your plan
and it should be recorded in each session.
5. Rest Between
Sets. The amount of time that you rest between sets is dependent upon the
intensity at which you lift (how close to your maximum). If you are doing
higher reps (12-15) then you rest periods will be shorter (45-75 seconds), but
if you are doing only a few reps (1-5) then you will need longer periods
(2-5minutes) between each set.
I know it
sounds backward, but it has to do with energy. The more reps you do the lighter
the weight and the faster your body will bounce back for the next set. The
heavier the weight lifted the longer it takes to recover the energy for another
bout of the same movement. This again should be in the "plan".
6. Prevent
Imbalances. Have you ever seen a guy that trains nothing but bench? His
shoulders are pulled forward and rounded in. He will have trouble sooner or
later because he has an imbalance between his horizontal pushing and pulling
When designing
a program make sure that the program trains both the agonist and antagonist
muscle groups. A few examples would be bench press and rowing, shoulder press
with pull downs, curls with tricep extensions.
By giving the
proper amount of work to all the muscles you will be able to prevent imbalances
and the potential for self induced injuries from improper training!
7. Preworkout
Cardio & Stretching. I start every training session with 5-15 minutes of
cardio. By doing the cardio before you train you will be able to increase your
core temperature and thus be less likely to get injured while training.
When I do the
cardio I generally do it interval style, going easy for 1 minute and the hard
for one minute. This will not only raise your core temperature, but it will
burn a few calories.
Before leg
training I do 5 minutes (I don't want to do too much or it could effect my
weights!) and before upper body training I do 10- 15 minutes.
I follow my
cardio with stretching the body part that I am going to train. Never stretch a
cold muscle! The stretching should take 5-10 minutes and then you will be ready
to train the weights.
8. Grip Work
& Finishers. Most people think why grip and what the heck are finishers? I
focus all my clients on real world strength or functional strength.
By training the
grip you will have more wrist control (less injuries) and also you will be able
to focus more and that will allow you to recruit more muscle fibers thus making
you stronger. Finishers are stuff that is functional.
After a hard
leg session go out and push your car around the block. I have my clients do
plate clean and press, carry sand bags either in front of them or on there
shoulder, or do the dreaded Drill Instructor special (this consists of 5-10
minutes of push ups, situps, jumping jacks, deep knee bends, and running in
These will be
functional muscle and not just the pretty to look at kind.
9. Post Workout Nutrition. I know it is supposed to be about weight
training. The most common mistake most people make is not eating after they
train or not eating the right thing. This meal should contain a mixture of
different types of carbohydrates such as a high glycemic carbohydrate like
glucose, a medium gylcemic carb like maltodextrin and a limited amount of a low
glycemic carbohydrate like fructose.
The glucose
will cause an insulin spike to drive the nutrients into the muscle. The
maltodextrin will be used to fill up the muscles with glycogen. Fructose should
be included to replenish liver glycogen that has been used during training. The
post workout meal should have at least 20% of the athletes daily protein needs
and the best source of protein for the post workout meal is Whey.
To calculate
your post workout protein needs take .20 times your body weight. (For example I
would take 260 x .20 = 52 grams.)
This meal could
be further enhanced by containing BCAA'S , Glutamine and ribose. My post
workout shake consists 1 serving of Pro Blend 55, 12 BCAA blend caps, 20 grams
of Glutamine, 5 grams of ribose mixed with 8oz grape juice, 1/2 cup
maltodextrin, and 1/8 cup fructose. I make this from ingredients that anyone
could get at just about any health food store.
10. Take Time
Off. Like I said before I set up programs that last 12 weeks and at the end of
the 12 weeks (if not sooner) I put in a full week of rest. I know what you are
thinking, but I will lose too much in a weeks time? No you will not and if you
are like 99% of the rest of the population you will probably get stronger.
Recover takes a lot of energy
and since most of us have real stress in our lives like jobs, family, etc. We
give up a ton of energy to other things than training. This week will refresh
you mentally as well as physically and set you up for great gains in the next
12 week cycle of training.
Awesome post, my friend! Take care and stay bare!