
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Well it’s 2016, so you know that means it is time to start afresh. Often people criticize New Year’s Resolutions to deter others from planning; however, there is nothing wrong with pushing a quick reset button to take time to put a few things into alignment and perspective.

As black gay men, our intersections in life help create who we are as individuals. There is nothing wrong with reminding and affirming your dreams and goals for the new year.

Here is a quick cheat sheet that every black gay man should utilize to guarantee your New Year’s Resolution success:

1.   Don’t lose your focus. There isn’t always going to be a clear win. Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is everything. Drive is always important when attacking anything in life.
2.   There are no shortcuts. Sometimes the path to success is longer than we would imagine that takes up, down, around and around some more. Just when we think about giving up or cutting corners, we start to cheat ourselves. Don’t cheat on your resolutions.
3.   Show up and show out. Always be present in your professional and personal life. Simple, huh?
4.   Overcome adversity and victories like a champion. There is no sunshine without rain. You have to ensure to dance within the rain until the sunshine comes again. Life is about balance, so don’t be surprised when hardships arrive.
5.   Be specific. Don’t just throw out you want to lose weight or you will visit the gym more often. Instead come up with a SMART goal (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time- bound). This will help you track your progress throughout the year not just for fitness because every goal needs to be SMART.
6.   Seek knowledge and information for yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you just anything. Although we joke on social media, Google is seriously your friend. It’s important to be an expert in your craft and learn more about what you do (or don’t do) best.
7.   Hold yourself and others accountable. Often times we hold ourselves to a higher standard than we do others. Take note on how others respond and treat you, as if it were you. You don’t have to scold anyone but just remember. Learn your true support system.
8.   Write a plan. Keep a journal of things you plan to do, and your accomplishments throughout the year. It’s always best to see your vision on paper. This gives power to your words/actions. On that same token, it’s always good to see what you’ve accomplished. Keep your receipts!
9.   Stay positive! It’s easier to see the tequila shot glass as half empty versus half full. It’s human nature. Challenge your mindset – it’s more mental than anything.
10.                     Eat well, travel often. Take some time off for yourself. It’s perfectly fine to treat yourself to a vacation, good eats/drinks and just some time to center yourself. Again, balance is important.
 As a bonus and given, remember YOU DO MATTER & YOU ARE ENOUGH! Here’s to an amazing 2016!

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