
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Sunday, December 6, 2015


It is about understanding each and every mechanism of why we do what we do, exposing every lie that we carry within with the light of the truth, and then allowing the consequences and feelings to be fully expressed and integrated.

We do this through exploring our childhood as reflected by our current circumstances and feelings, and then taking the time to tap in and reprogram each limiting belief or pattern with new, better serving ones--ones that engender awareness and compassion for Self and others.  

Far from a single emotional event at a workshop, Shadow Work is the daily task of unlearning, which we continue on with until we either transcend or die; it is the process of Self-mastery and expansion of consciousness within this dimension. When we speak of Shadow Work and becoming more Self-aware, this is what we mean.


  1. Good point, my naked brother and fellow blogger! Letting the baggage (myths and stereotypes) go is what truly sets us all free. Take care and stay bare, man!

  2. I scared to be alone, since my sickle cell always call my mom tell her come see me , but Lord was there , I know how make it without him because this I have someone with me all time it the time frame in my life
