Forty five
years is an arbitrary ‘menopause time’ for men. Life has more meaning than
making money. It’s been said it’s harder for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. In other words, serving two masters
at the same time is like having two wives who ask you who you love most when
the answer, ‘the same’, doesn’t work! Or, to be a master at two sports at any
time in life is not only unlikely, but will there be time for knowing yourself,
and for another to know you, and you them?
Life to have fullness
in meaning only happens with the passion to seek it’s meaning along with
knowing who you really are ‘without the attachments’. Knowing life means taking
a ‘break’ from the chase of the material pearls. To continue in life making
more money than is needed is a form of gluttony, and ‘pride chasing’, as in the
seven deadly sins. There comes a time in life, when the inner quality of you
needs to have the care and nurturing that serving too many ‘masters’ will never
allow. Not possible!
It is better
to begin valuing, and with action, the inner aspects of life and love as early
as possible rather than plunging into a life that has no breaks until it’s no
longer easily possible to stop, and push the ‘reset’ button to an innocent open
heart and mind. Life almost always continues as it started from early on, but
the first few years as an adult is the time to reset or correct habits,
misconceptions, etc., and move into one of love and inner blossoming be it
through love of another, meditation, or both.
Life has
‘open windows’. To be an athlete of note, one isn’t likely to become that
starting at 30. There are seasons and times for everything. Wisdom can have an
open window throughout one’s life, but what’s been done in the past is a good
indicator of that possibility. Have a passion for gardening, the window is
always open. One, who is a smoker, may avoid Alzheimer’s disease, but it’s
because death comes first in that open window.
Find a passion or two as early
as possible, keeping focused on it, and one that you would do for perhaps years
while having nothing to do with money. Let it be from the heart. Mine is around
this with meditation and love, along with fun at ‘free speech activism’ as a
social giving back for the privilege of being alive at this incredible moment
in time. Seek your passion, and by forty five be ready to consume yourself in
it with positivity, awareness, love, and compassion for all. The gold in life
is in the ‘inner qualities’. Life isn’t just a masquerade to let what doesn’t
really matter get in the way. Be the gardener of who you really are deep
Wise words