
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


A year ago today, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake shook Haiti, killing hundreds of thousands of people and devastating a nation.
People all over the world rushed to help. They made text-message donations, bought shirts, sent care packages and prayers. Haiti became a trend for a spell. There was even the “We are the World” remix.
And then it was off to the next big news — the oil spill, the miners and such. Those things were important, and we needed to pay attention.
But Haiti still needs our help. The Haitian people needed us before the disaster, and they will need us long after. Hollywood great Sean Penn says the work to be done is endless.
In addition to the political uproar and the cholera outbreak, more than 1 million people are still living in tent cities. Penn is among them. He has established one of his very own in a former Port-au-Prince suburb. It’s his home now, where he says he’ll be whenever he isn’t acting. He co-founded one of the most successful organizations to help save lives and bring sustainable programs to Haiti: the Jenkins-Penn Haitian Relief Organization.
His generosity and commitment are admirable. But we all can’t dedicate our lives to a cause. Some of us are just trying to get by.
Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t help. There is a lot we can do, and every dollar helps.

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