
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Friday, October 26, 2012


We all fall victim to at
least a few lies during the course of our lifetime.  Some lies may be
extremely troublesome to our personal wellbeing, while other “white lies” may
be far more innocuous.  Either way, a lie is meant to deceive.  So
how can we avoid falling victim to a lie in the future?  I believe you can
identify a lie or a liar by asking a person 6 simple questions:

A lie can travel halfway around the world

while the truth is putting on its shoes.

- Mark Twain

How do you know this? - This is the very
first question you should ask someone when they tell you something that you are
unsure of.  It immediately uncovers the source of the information and
should give insight into whether the bulk of it is based on scientific fact or
educated opinion.  Although it seems like a very simple question, it is
one of the most demanding questions you could ask someone.  It informs
them that you are not a pushover and forces them to backup their claims.

What are the major concerns or risks? -
Anybody who has performed the proper research on a topic for which they claim
to be an expert should also be able to explain their major concerns in vivid
detail.  No plan is perfect.  There will always be some level of
concern or risk.  If the person claims there is zero risk and no concerns,
they are lying to you.

Why do you think others might have an opposing
 - There are always a few different ways to interpret a specific set
of data.  No matter what side of the argument a person is on, you can be
sure that at least one other person has an opposing view.  Once again, if
someone has done the proper research they should have a pretty good idea of
what creates this opposing view.  Thus, they shouldn’t have any problem
explaining it, even if their explanation is merely an educated hypothesis.

Can you please explain this in layman’s terms? -
A person might use complex terminology in order to sneak a lie past your better
judgment.  The idea is that their complex terminology will throw you off,
and instead of questioning the information, you move on to prevent yourself
from looking naive.  Never look past something you don’t understand. 
Get the facts straight.  Make them explain themselves 20 times if
necessary until you understand what they are saying.  Until you understand
the information, presume that they are wrong even if they sound smart.

Do you mind if I sleep on it? - A lie, no
matter how complex, is always paper thin from a certain angle.  If you
have enough time to analyze the information and look at it from every angle you
will eventually see the truth.  When someone lies and looks for you to buy
into the information they usually want you to agree on the spot.  They already
know that their story won’t check out if you have enough time to analyze
it.  If someone is unwilling to let you sleep on the information in order
to properly digest it, they are probably lying.  Truth will still be truth
in the morning, so there is no reason to rush things unless it isn’t the truth.

How confident am I in this person? - This is
a simple question that you have to ask yourself.  You should try to
determine if this person has any credible references.  Sort out the
reasons why you should believe them and why you should not believe them. 
Do you personally know anyone who has dealt with this person before? 
Think about it mindfully, what does your gut instinct tell you?

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