
I AM...

I am whatever YOU think I am until YOU get to KNOW me. This is true for everyone else too, of course.. so don't make assumptions about anyone or pass judgment; ask questions. You might just make a new friend.


Friday, January 2, 2009


Now that you’ve count down the clock and the New Year is here, what are you planning on doing about it? We all know that many of us are going to make resolutions that we will be forgotten BEFORE the month of January is over, so seriously WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE? How about we make a commitment to ourselves AND not to the things that we feel will make our lives better? In other words how about WE CALL LIFE INTO OUR LIVES? So much of what we experience colors EVERYTHING; and the events of years past have such a profound effect on how we see our lives. Time and time again we’ve made promises to ourselves that we won’t let PEOPLE, PLACES and THINGS influence our emotional reactions and responses to the present. I think most of us get it wrong because we feel that is a right OR wrong to exist on this planet and that is wrong. We just need to understand our experiences so we can come CLOSER to understanding who we are so we can CONSCIOUSLY make a change. Modifying our minds is difficult, but is THE only way we can REALLY live up to the resolutions that we made for the year that is here. And with this NEW YEAR in each moment there are many things that we can TRULY enjoy, if only we choose to live it. I am of the opinion that @ the beginning of each year, the universe OPENS up to endless possibilities AND it has a snowball effect…we only need to ensure that we hitch a ride AND grab a hold of our destinies…After all we can’t get where we ought to be by complaining that life is unfair. Certainly there are many injustices in the world, but using them as excuses would keep us right where we are…SO THERE NO TIME LIKE THIS TIME TO SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LIGHT! THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THIS TIME TO BREATHE IN EVERY MIRACLE! THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THIS TIME TO LIVE IN A STATE OF GRATITUDE & SPREADING OUR ABUNDANCE ON ALL WE SEE…THERE IS NO TIME LIKE THIS TIME…

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