Being jealous
stopped being an adorable way to show someone you care about them back in
middle school. While it can be nice to know that your partner understands that
others find you attractive, it isn’t nice when they’re psychotic about it. If
you’re not able to go out for a night with the guys because your sweet-heart
knows there will be other twinks at the bar looking to pick you up, then that
is a major red flag. You can have other people think your S.O is attractive
without them trying to fuck him.
I guess this
could go hand-in-hand with jealously, but snooping is another sign your
relationship is toxic. If your partner needs to go through your phone in order
to trust you, or you feel the need to go through his, it is clear that mutual
trust isn’t there. For a relationship to thrive two people need to believe that
they're each the other's priority.
While it may
not be cheating for him to get a handjob from another dude, for you it could be
a serious form of disrespect. Sit down with your significant other and come up
with a set of relationship “rules,” or what would constitute cheating in both
of your eyes. They may not always line up, but if he holds you to a much higher
standard than he holds himself....something may be wrong.
If you can
count on one hand the times you saw your best friends in the past six months,
there is a problem. It is one thing to be so wrapped up in a new relationship
you forget to see friends, it is another to completely go AWOL. If you don’t
have a life outside of each other, chances are your relationship is toxic. And
not necessarily because you two don’t love each other, but simply because how
can you share your life with another person if you're living the same one?
If your
significant other thinks it is harmless to flirt with other people, this is a
sign your relationship is toxic. They don’t need to be going home with other
people to put your dignity and respect on the line.
If you’ve
started to branch out and build your own life, and your partner seems resentful
of this, that is a sign that the relationship is toxic. While it is great to
share common interests, it is even more important to build your own life. If
your partner isn't excited that you have friends and things to do outside of
your time together, it is a sign that they want to control you and not see you
grow as a person.
If the
ultimate weapon in your relationship is guilt, it is time to end it. Whether it
is guilt for hanging out with your friends, or guilt that you didn’t text
enough yesterday, to guilt that you didn’t treat for dinner every day this
week: guilt is powerful and oppressive.
If your
partner or yourself primarily uses guilt as a way to win arguments, it means
they’re very insecure and furthermore, they’re emotionally manipulative.
People get
into a relationship with each other partially because they like seeing
themselves go along for the ride of someone’s life. When two people in a
relationship are competitive about career goals, and money, etc. It can be
extremely toxic. If your partner is more jealous and enraged by your promotion
than happy, perhaps it is a sign it is time to jump ship.
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