With the corona-virus outbreak dominating the news, causing widespread cancellations and
postponements, it's pretty hard to avoid hearing about it.
In these
uncertain times, it makes sense that people are looking for distractions.
Unsurprisingly, one of the most popular ways to kill time for single people in
2020 is using dating apps.
But while you
swipe away, it’s worth asking yourself: Will COVID-19 affect your love life?
Should it? And if so, in what ways are you altering your typical dating behaviours in order to
keep you (and your matches) safe?
Wish the dating apps would die with the virus but hey, it's not an option. Dumb people will ignore the virus and, probably catch it sooner or later. Smart ones will be patient. If it's months, it's months. We can do it. We will do it.